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Semi-precious Stones

Each gem is a testament to nature's artistry and the craftsmanship behind our designs. Carrying profound meanings and energies, adding depth and significance to every piece they grace.




Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass that forms when lava cools rapidly, lacking a crystalline structure. Its origins trace back to volcanic activity, where the rapid cooling process prevents cryst...
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Turquesa. Piedras Semipreciosas | Corso JoyerĂ­a

African Turquoise

African Turquoise is a variety of jasper distinguished by its blue-green colors and black or brown inclusions, resembling traditional turquoise. This stone is primarily found in Africa, hence its n...
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Seraphinite is a variety of green chlorite distinguished by its bright green color with silver flashes, forming in fibrous structures within metamorphic rocks.
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Calcita Aqua

Aqua Calcite

Aqua Calcite is a variety of calcite distinguished by its light blue color and translucent appearance, forming in crystalline structures that often exhibit cubic or rhombohedral shapes.
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Cuarzo Ahumado.  Piedras Semipreciosas | Corso JoyerĂ­a

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz, also known as smoky quartz, is a variety of quartz with a fascinating spectrum of colors ranging from light brown to dark grayish, even with shades of black.
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Coral Rojo.  Piedras Semipreciosas | Corso JoyerĂ­a

Red Coral

It is an organic gemstone that does not form in the earth like most minerals, but rather comes from the skeletons of small marine animals called coral polyps.
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Piedra Luna. Piedras Semipreciosas | Corso JoyerĂ­a


Moonstone, with its iridescent shine and connection to the moon, has captivated humanity for centuries. A stone for “new beginnings”.
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Pirita. Piedras Semipreciosas | Corso JoyerĂ­a


Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, is an iron sulfide mineral with a distinctive metallic luster and bright golden color.
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Cuarzo. Piedras Semipreciosas | Corso JoyerĂ­a

White Quartz

White quartz, also known as rock crystal, is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth.
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